
ISBN 980-953-307-476-9
InTech (Open Access Publisher)
Book edited by:
Hamid Yaghoubi
Director of Iran Maglev Technology (IMT), Tehran, Iran



Objective of the book

Magnetic levitation (maglev) is a highly advanced technology. It has various uses, including clean energy, building facilities, transportation systems, nuclear engineering, civil engineering, advertising, toys, stationery etc. The common point in all these applications is the lack of contact and thus no wear and friction. This increases speed, efficiency and the useful life of the system, and reduces maintenance costs.

Among the above-mentioned ones, the most important use of the maglev technology is in operation of magnetically levitated trains. Maglev uses non-contact magnetic levitation, guidance and propulsion systems and has no wheels, axles and transmission, which means that there is no direct physical contact between the maglev and its guideway.

This book is aimed to provide a comprehensive overview of the history and development of maglev trains across the world as a result of valuable contributions from many researchers who work on the maglev systems.


Topics covered by this book include but are not limited to:

1. MAGLEV Development, Projects and Operational Results of High Speed and Urban Applications Worldwide  

icon_dot Scientific, Technical and Industrialization Status
icon_dot Test Facilities
icon_dot First Operational Experiences
icon_dot Marketing, Commercial and Financial aspects
icon_dot High Speed and Urban Transportation Systems  


2. MAGLEV - New Ideas  

icon_dot New Technological System Proposals and Ideas
icon_dot Additional Magnetic Applications
icon_dot Scientific, Technical and Industrialization Status


3. Vehicles and Levitation/Guidance  

icon_dot Electromagnetic Levitation and Guidance
icon_dot Electrodynamic Levitation and Guidance
icon_dot Superconducting Levitation
icon_dot Vehicle Design
icon_dot Aerodynamic Behaviour and Aerodynamic Impacts
icon_dot Dynamic Mechanical Resonance and Vibrations    


4. Safety and Operational Control  

icon_dot Operation and Maintenance
icon_dot Safety and Design
icon_dot Safety and Exploitation
icon_dot Safety and Innovations
icon_dot Reliability and Maintainability
icon_dot Communication Systems    


5. Propulsion, Linear Motors and Energy Supply  

icon_dot On-Board Energy Supply
icon_dot Energy Transfer
icon_dot Energy Storage
icon_dot Power Supply for Propulsion
icon_dot Propulsion and Linear Motors
icon_dot Scientific and Technical Development
icon_dot Transport System and Industrial Application  


6. Guideway and Infrastructure  

icon_dot Guideway Structures (Research, Developments)
icon_dot Guideway Monitoring
icon_dot Maintenance
icon_dot Interaction Vehicle/Guideway (Aerodynamic, Resonance, Vibration)
icon_dot Application lines
icon_dot Infrastructure
icon_dot Tunnels
icon_dot Stations
icon_dot Facilities    


7. Economic and Planning/Feasibility Studies  

icon_dot Environmental Aspects
icon_dot Economic Evaluations


8. Other Related Topics













Iran Maglev Technology (IMT)




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