The 1st Int. Conf. on Railway Eng., High-Speed Railway, Heavy Haul Railway and Urban Rail Transit

Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China.

August 20-21, 2010



August 2nd -August 20th, 2010, the 1st International Conference on Railway Engineering was hold in Beijing by Beijing Jiaotong University. Xue-Wei Li, Vice President of Beijing Jiaotong University, attended the opening ceremony on behalf of our university, and wished a complete success of the conference. Chairman Feng Chen delivered the welcome speech. Many leaders and teachers from five different departments and those from Department of Civil Engineering attended this conference. Together, more than 200 professors and scholars from all over the world discussed the key technologies about high-speed railway ,heavy rail and urban rail transport.

Over 500 papers were received in the conference, and more than 300 excellent papers have been published in book by the China Railway Publishing House. Three parts were included in this conference ,the first was keynote address, then panel discussions according to different keynotes ,the last was free speech and visiting the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway construction site. Professors and scholars’ discussion focused on the following issues, planning and design, track structure, subgrade, new technologies of integrated transport and new technologies about bridges and tunnels.

Shi Zhongheng (Honorary Chairman) ,Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, said that, currently China's high-speed, heavy and urban rail transport developed rapidly and to solve the existing issues of rail transport, the key is planning and design scientifically , also we should encourage technological innovation .
Domestic and foreign experts introduced many issues facing high-speed rail transportation.

After the Academic Council discussion, 10 outstanding papers were selected from five sub-venues ,the authors of the papers were from Beijing Jiaotong University, Wuhan University of technology and The University of Queensland.

The success of The 1st International Conference on Railway Engineering showed to the world the latest international scientific research ,meanwhile ,expanded the international influence of our university and laid a good foundation for our experts to communicate and cooperate with foreign experts, and play an active role for the university to be a internationally renowned institution.

All manuscripts in English languge have been indexed by ISTP.

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